Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. your story is what’s going to make this one out of the world. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Cesar Karanapakorn

Chef Cesar Karanapakorn is originally from Guadalajara Mexico; born and raised in mexican culture with Thai origins. He seeks to capture his culture on every dish he cooks, exposing great food with complex techniques.

His cooking has take him to cook in different countries in America, like Canada, Mexico and United States.

Cesar Karanapakorn

After I came to Toronto, I have worked in different restaurants and experienced many different and attractive working environments compared to before. I have also served as the executive chef of Judaline and Florette. I hope that this time I can rely on my own strength to create a Michelin restaurant in Toronto.

Cesar Karanapakorn

He started his journey at the culinary school at UVM Guadalajara Sur and graduated from Kendall College in Chicago, after graduating, he briefly worked at Alinea, Bellemore, and Sepia. After he worked in The Peninsula Hotel, The Albert and the Bristol where he first met Chef Larry Feldmeier. Cesar came to Canada in 2021 after covid.

After I met my mentor Larry again, we decided to bring our skills to Toronto, a city full of energy and vitality, and to bring delicious food to everyone who works and lives in Toronto.


Larry Feldmeier


John Yohan Ko